Are We Europe - Uprooted
'This issue of Are We Europe magazine finds itself at the intersection of movement and identity: migration. Does who we are depend on where we are, or where we come from? From a portrait of a country stricken by brain-drain to an inside account of Europe's biggest far-right youth organisation, to photo-journalism capturing Europe’s new borders.
Are We Europe aims to report on the often neglected and ever-changing state of the European identity by empowering aspiring European journalists who are motivated to explore this topic.'
For too long, headlines about Europe have obsessed over Brussels, Brexit, and borders, ignoring the bigger picture. Are we Europe are an award-winning media outlet bringing you borderless journalism from the next generation of storytellers. They believe Europe needs journalism that collaborates across nations, generations and identities.
Through podcasts, print magazines, and multimedia stories: with the support of their members, Are we Europe are discovering Europe through a new lens.